Wandern, © Leiser Berge

Our MTB Tips

10 recommendations of the Austrian Alpine Club

1. Only healthy on the bike
Mountain biking is an endurance sport. The valuable exercise and stress stimuli for heart and circulation require health and a realistic self-assessment. Avoid time pressure and increase the intensity and scope of your tours slowly.

2. Careful planning
Trade magazines, specialist literature, maps and the Internet are valuable aids in choosing a tour that suits your fitness and riding ability. Pay special attention to the weather forecast, as rain, cold or heat increase the risk.

3. Check your bike
Regularly check the brakes, air pressure, tightness of the wheels, suspension and gears of your bike before setting off. Annual maintenance by experts ensures that your bike is in perfect technical condition.

4. Always wear a helmet
Uphill and downhill, always wear a helmet! In the event of a fall or collision, your helmet will protect you from head injuries or even save your life! Injuries to the spine can be prevented by back protectors, these are integrated in modern bike backpacks.

5. Pay attention to complete equipment
Warming clothes, rain and wind protection, repair kit and first aid kit belong in the backpack, as well as cell phone, light, sufficient liquid and provisions. Gloves and goggles provide additional protection for hands and eyes. 6.

6. Control your speed
Adjust your speed to the situation! Since unexpected obstacles are to be expected at any time, drive attentively, be ready to brake and keep your eyes open.

7. Pedestrians have priority
Be considerate of pedestrians by announcing your arrival by ringing a bell or saying something friendly, and slowing down to walking speed as you pass. Give preference to small bike groups and avoid trails heavily trafficked by walkers.

8. Brake with feeling
Prevent soil erosion and trail damage by braking gently - without locking the tires. Experts teach riding techniques and gentle braking techniques in mountain bike courses.

9. A heart for animals
The twilight phase is the time for wild animals to feed. Therefore, ride during daylight hours to avoid disturbing them. Approach grazing livestock at a walking pace and close livestock gates after passing.

10. Use only suitable roads
To avoid conflicts with landowners and other users, use only marked, cleared trails and roads.