Juniperus heath

Wacholderheide_Schafbeweidung, © Leiser Berge
Kuhschelle Felsrücken, © Leiser Berge
Oberleis, © Leiser Berge
Magische Rastplätze, © Leiser Berge
Loud attractions - Leiser Berge

Warmly Welcome

In the heart of the Weinviertel – only 36km north of Vienna, is the Nature Park Leiser Berge. The highest point and most popular is the Buschberg with 491 meters. From there you have a wide peak in the soft, wonderfull hill landscape, which changes there color every turn of the year. There is a rich fauna and flora, wonderful places to visit and for sightseeing, a lot of hike trails and a mountainbike arena. The only Nature Park in Weinviertel is one of the oldest and welcomes you to rest.