KLAR! in the Leiser Berge region

We take care for our region and the poeple who live in.

The effects of climate change are noticeable and affect the regions in Austria to varying degrees. In addition to climate protection, adaptation is also necessary to ensure the quality of life of the people in the long term and sustainably.

In the future, the Nature Park region in the heart of the Weinviertel around the Leiser Berge will dedicate itself to the topic of climate change adaptation. The Climate and Energy Fund supports with the KLAR! Program, the Climate and Energy Fund supports regions in developing a detailed concept for climate change adaptation. Based on this, concrete measures are to be planned and implemented.

"We want to face the challenges posed by climate change together and responsibly and do our best to enable future generations to have a future worth living in our nature park region. That is why we are acting sustainably today for tomorrow."
Horst Gangl, Mayor of Ernstbrunn and Chairman of the Region and the Leiser Berge Nature Park.

Due to global warming, a general trend for the region can be seen in the following areas:

  •     Increase in annual temperature
  •     Increase of heat days
  •     Lower amounts of precipitation and therefore dryness
  •     An increase in heavy rainfall events with flooding and humus erosion
  •     Longer and currently especially shifted vegetation periods
  •     Protection of groundwater and drinking water supply